Board Members

The Board of Trustees has contracted with Property Management of Andover, as property manager and agent, to administer the day to day management of Belvidere Townhouse Condominium Trust.  The Board of Trustees and a representative of the managing agent meet approximately once a month to review financial, maintenance, and general operations. 

The Annual Meeting of the Belvidere Townhouse Condominium Trust (hereafter referred to as the “Association”) is held within a reasonable period of time after the end of the Association’s fiscal year end (March 31).

The Association elects two to five unit owners from among its members to serve as Trustees.  Trustees are elected at the Annual Meeting and serve a term of two years.  The Board Members, by majority vote, are responsible for the operation of Belvidere Townhouse much like a Board of Selectmen manages a municipality. The final decisions for budgets, contracts, by-laws, and rule enforcement are some of the tasks Board Members must address. The governing documents of Belvidere Townhouse, along with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts statutes, further define the condominium Board's responsibilities. Trustees are responsible for managing the Association’s Revenues and Expenses to promote a safe, clean, and attractive environment for the owners and residents of Belvidere Townhouse Condominiums.

Communication with the Trustees can be directed by email to [email protected]  and will be forwarded to the Trustees. 

Letters to the Trustees may be dropped in the Trustees Mailbox or by sending via US Mail to;

The Trustees

Belvidere Townhouse Condominium Trust
100 Park Avenue West
Lowell, MA  01852

Board member Term ends Contact info