Welcome, New Owners!
An Owner Information form (located on this website) or Resident Data Sheet page (provided in the welcome packet from PMA), needs to be filled out and returned to PMA. Please note: A new amendment was passed by all owners limiting the number of rentals. All new buyers must live in their unit for one year, then approval by the Board must be granted before a unit can be rented out.
Parking Rules and Regulations of Belvidere Townhouse Condominium Trust to include, but not limited to, the following:
The new E-mail system at Property Management of Andover is in full operation, allowing the staff and management to communicate with you through mass e-mail correspondences. If you do not have e-mail, the system will print your name and address on a mailing envelope automatically for U.S. mailing purposes. No one will miss a correspondence and there will be a considerable cost savings to Belvidere Townhouse with E-mail.
Voice Blast
Property Management of Andover with our "voice blast" communication system allows us to record a message and deliver it to you by phone to the phone number currently on file at our office. If you miss the call, your voice mail or answering machine will record our message for you. This new communication system will provide you with timely and urgent information that would be late if forwarded by U.S. mail. We encourage you to provide your e-mail address and designated phone number to Property Management of Andover so you do not miss any timely and important information.