Trash Pick-up Guidelines and the City of Lowell Recycling Information
The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce Cassella Waste as our Trash Removal Provider.
Trash collection will be done on Mondays. There will be Six Holidays that will require a delay of one day for pick-up but only if the Holiday falls on a Monday: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th , Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
As part of our contract, Cassella Waste has provided all units 64-Gallon Totes. BTC’s monthly pick-up price is based on efficiencies of using only the totes provided by Cassella Waste. No other tote, barrel, box, or trash bag left for pick-up at curbside will be handled by Cassella Waste.
These 64-Gallon totes are owned by Cassella Waste. The Association is responsible for returning all tote containers if Cassella is replaced as BTC’s trash removal contractor. Unit owners will be assessed replacement value if a tote is lost, stolen or damaged. If your Unit is sold, the tote container must be passed onto the next owner.
Inside Storage: Totes must be stored inside the garage or in the hallway of each condominium unit before and after each weekly pick-up. Totes left outdoors detract from the appearance of the grounds and can affect property value for the entire community.
No loose Trash in totes: All trash loaded into the 64-Gallon tote must be bagged (in sealed/tied plastic bags).
Recycle Materials: There is no separate curbside recycling option for recycled materials at BTC. Recycled materials (Glass bottles and jars, metal cans and foil, plastic containers, and paper goods (newspapers, junk mail, desktop printer paper etc...) can be bagged and placed in your tote. Keep in mind, these items will be collected and disposed of as trash. They will not be recycled.
Cardboard may be left outside the tote but must be flattened and tied into a bundle. It will be collected and disposed of as trash.
City of Lowell Recycling Info Drop-off Option
The City of Lowell maintains a single stream recycling (no pre-sorting required) drop-off for Lowell residents.
City residents may drop-off glass bottles and jars (empty and rinse), metal cans and foil (empty and rinse), plastic containers (empty and replace cap) and paper products (e.g. newspapers, junk mail, magazines, etc...) at its recycling compactor in its DPW facility at 1365 Middlesex Street, Lowell, MA 01851 between 8:00 AM & 3:00 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The compactor may be locked. If you need assistance with a drop-off, call the Recycling Office at 978-674-4309.
Email Lowell recycling: [email protected] for detailed information.
Thank you,
The Board of Trustees and Property Management of Andover